Our first stop was at a cenotaph just outside of Jaiselmer. Just another moment where I couldn't believe I was really here. I had seen these in a few Bollywood movies. So fabulous. I was joined by two very sweet if not reserved German girls. We stopped in a small village for tea. I played tag with the kids. We reached our camels around 11a and it was of course already pretty hot. It wasn't quite clear who our guides were or what the plans were but thank god the three of us were flexible enough to just go with the flow. After an hours ride we stopped in what seemed like a little oasis - peacocks, giant trees, and lots of shade;). Sunny, India and Gunpat made us a lunch of Magi noodles (just like Top Ramen), aloo ghobi, chapatis and the best chips I have ever had ... ever. I can't wait to share these with the triplets;). Afterward, we were joined by four children and two older women. At first, they just wanted money, but we all warmed up to each other. Played some games, shared some food. Then we were off. Back on the camels to a temple on the top of a remote mountain. By the time we reached the sand dunes where we were to sleep, we were all very ready to dismount. After a dinner of veg pakora, rice, daal, and aloo ghobi, we all had a hard time falling asleep under a million stars;). 

Great pictures!