Thursday, September 30, 2010

9/10 American Guilt

at least once a day.  I look at people my age and older and shudder at what we did to them.  But not once have I ever felt unwelcome or any kind of hatred.

9/9 Dak

Very sad news.  Dakshinayan may close next year.  The operational costs are draining poor Siddarth and there just aren't any volunteers.  It's so so very sad.  However, my aunt is writing a letter to Oprah, so Deb if you're reading this please include Dakshinayan in your O' plea.  Seriously, there has got to be a way to help Siddarth keep the school open.  Any advice, contacts etc would be greatly appreciated.

9/8 Bottles of Gas

When I first arrived, I noticed liter sized bottles with yellow or green liquid sitting at the edge of the sidewalk.  I thought it might be an advertisement or maybe even an offering.  A mere six months later, one of those little water bottles saved me a lot of time and hassle.  I had run out of gas and the nearest gas station would have been a long walk in heals.  So to my happy surprise, the attendant at my school pointed to the little bottle and 20kvnd ($1) later I had petrol in my tank.  I love all the simple little conveniences in the developing world.  They may be a little hazardous or dangerous but they are convenient none the less;). 

9/7 Vision

Even though I really love teaching, today I have the need to be a part of something bigger with a strong vision.  I started a great corporate class teaching 7 business men and it just got me thinking about organizational behavior, strategic planning, etc. and how I love being a part of that process.  My current position is very autonomous and the school is very much for profit with little if any "service" oriented goals or values.  I will still continue to gain experience as a teacher here and/or in India over the next two years, but I really need to start researching schools that have a more values based culture;). 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9/6 Little bags of food

So I finally decided to take part in the street food outside my house.  A women stops in front of our gate every day around four.  I stop and point "xoia" - mango. The young guy who helps us with our bikes guides my purchase.  Rice paper flakes mixed with basil, chili, shredded mango, fish sauce and boiled egg all tied up neatly in a little plastic bag with very tiny chopsticks ... its addictive;).

9/5 Lost

I feel like I lost something. I have that horrible feeling of misplacing something very important.  That aching feeling of "I know I put it somewhere".  The feeling creeps in when I'm leaving the house, riding my motorbike, planning, even when I'm teaching. Then I realize that I have this horrible aching feeling  because I haven't talked to my Mom;(.  ... miss you.

Monday, September 27, 2010

9/4 7 hours

Due to seven day work weeks and a manic driving schedule, I treated my self to a most luxurious day at the spa.  After seven hours, three massages, a facial and ... well I won't bore you, I finally decided that I had enough pampering and went home.  Considering the fact that the day was a meager $42 and that I felt fantastic and very relaxed, it was worth it indeed ... even if it was a little over the top.  Today, I love Saigon;).

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/3 Moon Cakes

Little Moon Cake shops started popping up all over the city about three weeks ago kind of like firework huts pop up in the States around the 4th of July.  These little stands sell beautifully decorated little cakes to celebrate Mid-Autumn.  I had been asking and asking when they celebrate and no one knew.  They just kept saying the lunar year.  I have now found out that it is on Sept. 22 - the Equinox.  Also tasted my first cake today - green pea, egg, jasmine and vanilla - it was delicious with a strong perfume taste so only a few bites;).

9/2 Monks

The new school I teach at is surrounded by pagodas.  So there are monks in orange or grey robes with conical hats wandering the roads or riding motorbikes ... quite slowly I might add;) (or am I just riding faster?).

9/1 Baby Buddhas

Sorry for the cheese, but god came in the form of little chubby 3 year old laughing baby Buddhas today;).

8/31 Family;)

Here's my family with their hats on;)

8/30 I Miss Organic Stuff

I miss organic stuff;).  I miss spending three hours wandering around Whole Foods looking at overpriced organic toothpaste and soap.  Then spending too much money on a locally grown salad, a Dwell magazine and Kombucha ... oh Kombucha;). 
I just have a sneaking suspicion that all the produce we get here is saturated with nasty chemicals.  Perhaps healthy doses of wine helps to counteract any bad effects;). 

Monday, September 13, 2010

8/29 Finally!

My family finally got the package I sent them in early May!  Can't even begin to say how happy I was.  Tons of silly stuff - hats, shirts, money, strange snacks, business cards, brochures, bowls, Vietnamese signs and name tags.  Just a really cool way to connect with the kids;).

8/28 Rivers

Rode through a river today.  The water was up to my knees.    I rode with my feet up down the street laughing the whole way.  It was fabulous.

8/27 Culture Shock Observation #7

Am now addicted to American Idol - Season 9 no less.  Adam Lambert is a rock god and I am a nerd;).

8/26 Humbled

Just so humbled by the Vietnamese Language - and exhausted by it;).

8/25 Jasmine Tea

Iced jasmine tea is served everywhere instead of water - this is also the tea they pour into iced coffee. Lovely.

8/24 Sleep In

First sleep in day in two months.  What luxury:). 

8/23 Stats

Mobile phone internet usage went up 840% in Vietnam in 2009! Fascinating;).

Friday, September 10, 2010

8/22 Denver

I will be back in Denver this December for two weeks.  First thing that comes to mind: friends and family;).  Second, the cold.  It's going to be strange to be back in the snow!  But can't wait to see everyone.  Just be patient with me and my reverse culture shock.  I'll try to be relaxed about it but can't really promise anything;).

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

8/20 5 Months

I've been in Saigon five months to the date.  It's so hard to believe.  Although I'm starting to pick up a little Vietnamese, I still don't feel like I know Vietnam.  Even despite trying to get lost once a week, I still have not really seen the city.  It's more evident the more I explore.  This is a very very frantic city.  It wakes up early and goes to bed late.  However, I am finding that there are sanctuaries everywhere.  These sanctuaries come in the form of stunning restaurants and cafe's - well for me at least;).  Just discovered there are least five in the Phu Nhuan district I trek out to three times a week.  Can't wait to visit them.  While I still love riding my motorbike all over the city, it is stressfull in more ways than I can explain.  Let me just say you have to be calmly assertive and hyper-alert with a hyper-sense of humor or else you will go nuts.  So these little sanctuaries are really a necessity for sanity;).

8/19 Behind

Wow! I've never been this behind on the blog!  I am very busy and my poor little Netbook is on the fritz.  Considering it went through rural India and a hundred other "nonlaptop" type situations, I'm not surprised.  I should be able to get it fixed here?  Regardless, it had a good life. Updates soon;).

Sunday, September 5, 2010

8/18 New Words

My favorite little restaurants and coffee shops are all on board.  One new word a day. Today Mang Vey(sp?) or Take away.  I will use this a lot;).